Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception500' with message ' SELECT documents.id_document, documents.description, documents.nom_fichier_original, documents.nom_fichier_encode, documents.type_mime, documents.prive, documents.poids, documents.largeur, documents.hauteur, documents.id_utilisateur_creation, documents.credits, documents.date_creation FROM documents WHERE documents.actif IS TRUE AND ( id_document = ) GROUP BY documents.id_document, documents.description, documents.nom_fichier_original, documents.nom_fichier_encode, documents.type_mime, documents.prive, documents.poids, documents.largeur, documents.hauteur, documents.id_utilisateur_creation, documents.credits, documents.date_creation LIMIT 1 Erreur lors du listage en BD : array ( 0 => '42000', 1 => 1064, 2 => 'You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near \') GROUP BY documents.id_document, documents.description, documents.nom_fichier_o\' at line 1', )' in /home/ in /home/crms/application/core/Bd.php on line 424